Monday 6 March 2017

WEEK 6 A Different Type of Mime

"Why do I move?" "What makes me move?" " What does this moving mean to me, if not others?" (Nelson 2003)

The reading assigned was a report by Lisa Nelson, and I found this reading difficult. Not because of the terminology, but the introduction and the concept of a score baffled me. To me, a score has always been present but I have never noticed it. Similar to a constant noise that over time you've gotten used to and forgotten about.

A score, from what I understand, is the idea of motivating movement by inspiration. Like a creative dialogue that includes emotion, imagery, anatomy, etc... the list goes on.  For example, a score could be to show the emotion of happiness or anger or intimidation which could lead to a dynamic value to movement. Another example is to improvise with the idea of movement that leads with a part of the body, like your left knee, or the top of your skull.

This piece of writing by Nelson, made me realise that in ballet terms, this would be miming. I remember when my dance teacher would shout that I've been heartbroken, and I cannot live without the love of my life while I was rehearsing La Sylphide. But in this case, miming just got intense to a whole other level and instead of mimicking a scenario, I am creating my own scenario through the foundations of a score.


Nelson, L (2001) Seeds of a Dance Practice. Unpublished. Available from  [accessed 6 March 2017]